New LNG Carrier Elisa Ardea Delivered to EDF

Dec. 19, 2024

On December 3, the newly built liquefied natural gas (LNG) carrier Elisa Ardea was officially delivered. The vessel is owned by France LNG Shipping, a joint venture between NYK and Geogas LNG (1) and under a long-term charter contract with EDF LNG Shipping (2) The vessel was built at Hyundai Samho Heavy Industries.

Elisa Ardea will be chartered to the EDF Group long-term (up to 20 years, including extension options) and will be engaged in LNG transportation under the ship management of Gazocean,3 a French ship-management company.

Elisa Ardea is propelled by, dual-fuel slow-speed diesel engines4 manufactured by WinGD and features an advanced Turbo-Brayton refrigeration system developed by Air Liquide, which efficiently utilizes surplus boil-off gas. The 174,000 cubic meter capacity membrane-type tank, designed by GTT, is constructed using high-performance insulating materials that reduce the vaporization rate.

Vessel Particulars
Length overall: approx. 297.2 meters
Breadth: approx. 46.4 meters
Main engine: X-DF diesel engine
Cargo tank capacity: approx. 174,000 cubic meters / membrane type
Shipbuilder: Hyundai Samho Heavy Industries Co., Ltd.
Ship's registry: France

Image by NYK.

On March 10, 2023, the NYK Group released its medium-term management plan "Sail Green, Drive Transformations 2026 - A Passion for Planetary Wellbeing."

The NYK Group is promoting growth strategies with ESG at the core, based on the Group's basic philosophy of "Bringing value to life" and a new corporate vision for 2030, which reads, "we go beyond the scope of a comprehensive global logistics enterprise to co-create value required for the future by advancing our core business and growing new ones."

(1) A subsidiary of the Geogas Group. The Geogas Group owns French-flagged LPG carriers and trades more than 7 million tons of LPG annually worldwide.

(2) A shipping company that is a subsidiary of EDF and responsible for its LNG transportation.

(3) A French ship-management company specializing in LNG jointly owned by NYK and Geogas LNG

(4) Two-stroke large-bore slow-speed diesel engines able to operate on marine gas oil or boil off gas stored as liquid at cryogenic temperatures.

NYK Group, press release