Shell Shuts Down an Oil Processing Unit at Pulau Bukom to Investigate Leak

Singapore - 27 Dec 2024

The Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) and National Environment Agency (NEA) were informed by Shell that they have shut down one of its oil processing units at the Shell Energy and Chemicals Park at Pulau Bukom, to facilitate investigation into a suspected leak in the system.

2. The oil processing unit is used to produce refined oil products such as diesel. Water drawn from the sea is used as part of the process to cool the refined oil products in the unit.

3. Shell estimated that a few tonnes [1] of the refined oil products were leaked, together with the cooling water discharge.

4. Shell has laid containment and absorbent booms and sprayed dispersants in the channel where the cooling water is being discharged. The in-built oil skimmer system in the channel has also been activated. Containment and absorbent booms have been laid at the mouth of the channel, to prevent residual oil leaked from spreading into the sea. No oil patches are currently observed in the vicinity of Pulau Bukom.

5. MPA and Shell have deployed boats to clean up light oil sheens observed off Pulau Bukom using both dispersants and absorbent booms.

6. Agencies are closely monitoring the situation and have deployed satellites and drones for surveillance. As a precaution, oil absorbent booms will be laid at Sisters' Islands Marine Park and at the beaches on Sentosa.

7. Navigational traffic in the area is not affected. There is no impact to bunkering operations in the Port of Singapore.

8. Further updates will be provided if there are significant developments. NEA is investigating the incident with MPA and will not hesitate to take enforcement action if any wrongdoing or lapse is discovered.

[1] The International Tanker Owners Pollution Federation (ITOPF) categorises oil spills of less than 7 tonnes as small.

About Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA)
MPA was established on 2 February 1996 with the mission to develop Singapore as a premier global hub port and international maritime centre, and to advance and safeguard Singapore’s strategic maritime interests. MPA is the driving force behind Singapore’s port and maritime development, taking on the roles of port authority, maritime and port regulator and planner, international maritime centre champion, national maritime representative and a champion of digitalisation and decarbonisation efforts at regional and international fora such as at the International Maritime Organization. MPA partners industry, research community and other agencies to enhance safety, security and environmental protection in our waters, facilitate maritime and port operations and growth, expand the cluster of maritime ancillary services, and develops maritime digitalisation and decarbonisation policies and plans, R&D and manpower development. MPA is responsible for the overall development and growth of the maritime domain and Port of Singapore. In 2023, Singapore’s annual vessel arrival tonnage crossed 3 billion Gross Tonnage and remains the world’s busiest transshipment hub, with a total container throughput of 39.0 million 20-foot equivalent units (TEUs). For more information, please visit

About National Environment Agency
The National Environment Agency (NEA) is the leading public organisation responsible for ensuring a clean and sustainable environment for Singapore. Its key roles are to improve and sustain a clean environment, promote sustainability and resource efficiency, maintain high public health standards, provide timely and reliable meteorological information, and encourage a vibrant hawker culture. NEA works closely with its partners and the community to develop and spearhead environmental and public health initiatives and programmes. It is committed to motivating every individual to care for the environment as a way of life, in order to build a liveable and sustainable Singapore for present and future generations. For more information, visit

About National Parks Board (NParks)
The National Parks Board (NParks) is responsible for enhancing and managing the urban ecosystems of our City in Nature. We are the lead agency for greenery, biodiversity conservation, and wildlife and animal health, welfare and management. We are also working closely with the community to enhance the quality of our living environment. NParks manages some 400 parks, 3,347 hectares of nature reserves, the Singapore Botanic Gardens, Pulau Ubin and the Sisters' Islands Marine Park. Adding to this is the extensive network of Nature Ways, and the over 380 km Park Connector Network that links major parks, nature areas and residential estates island-wide. Every year, we run about 3,000 educational and outreach programmes across our various green spaces. NParks has developed an urban biodiversity conservation model, which aims to conserve representative ecosystems in land-scarce Singapore. NParks also monitors and coordinates measures to enhance the presence of biodiversity in our urban landscape. NParks is working closely with partners in the landscape, horticulture, veterinary and animal sectors to increase productivity, and provide training for all levels of the workforce. Enhancing competencies of the industry will support Singapore’s vision of being a City in Nature. For more information, visit and

About Sentosa Development Corporation
Sentosa Development Corporation (SDC) was established on 1 September 1972 as a Statutory Board under the Ministry of Trade and Industry. Its charter since inception has been to oversee the development, management, marketing, and promotion of the island of Sentosa as a resort destination for locals and tourists. SDC wholly owns its subsidiaries Sentosa Cove Resort Management Pte Ltd and Sentosa Golf Club Pte Ltd. SDC also owns the Singapore Cable Car Sky Network, managed by Mount Faber Leisure Group Pte Ltd, a wholly owned subsidiary which operates as an autonomous commercial arm. As a testament to its commitment to sustainability, SDC has been conferred the Global Sustainable Tourism Council – For Destinations (GSTC-D) certificate, making Sentosa the first island destination in Asia to receive this accolade.

Image by Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore

Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore press release