13 January 2025 Baltic Fuel Company (BFC) sold more than 1 million tonnes of marine fuel in the ports of the Russian Federation in 2024, maintaining sales volume at the level of the previous year. BFC ranks first in terms of bunker sales volume in the North-West of Russia and third in the country's market according to the 2024 year end results. The structure of the company's marine fuel sales in 2024 was as follows: fuel oil with a sulfur content of 0.5% accounted for 58% of the total sales volume, HSFO - 18%, fuel oil with a sulfur content between 0.1% - 3%, and the remaining 21% was diesel fuel and low-viscosity marine fuel (LMF). Baltic Fuel Company expanded its tanker fleet consisting of 36 vessels of a total capacity exceeding 60 000 tonnes with the 6 000-dwt oil tanker "THOTH" in October last year. The company operates the tanker fleet and bunkering ships with a capacity of up to 7,700 tonnes, transporting export oil products and carrying out bunker fuel supplies. To transport oil products on Russia's inland waterways, the company deploys its own barges with a capacity of up to 5,000 tonnes with BFC auxiliary fleet supporting its emergency rescue teams work. These vessels are also used to operate non-self-propelled barges. Besides, BFC operates the Turukhtannye Ostrova marine fuel terminal in the Port of St. Petersburg. The facility's transshipment capacity is 1.8 million tonnes of oil products a year. Baltic Fuel Company Press Release ![]() |